#TS762 promps by @fiendfyreIV: awe/ mercurial/ ladder

@firuzap @fiendfyreIV @YadaThoughts #TS762 He dropped the thermometer from the attic and looked down in fascination at the flowing metal.

we're on #TS762
will move on to the next one after atleast 5 contributions are posted
@lahorigori @wolfmiaow @taimur_org

#TS762 inverted moods lead my regular swim to the sublime end @fiendfyreIV @temporal3 pic.twitter.com/OykhK21xAn

p(l)iss not here
walk not under the ladder
it could be a bad breaker
take your bursting bladder
to a wall with a sign...

thanks @fiendfyreIV
prompts for #TS762:
awe/ mercurial/ ladder
tagging @YadaThoughts for #TS763
prev #TS here:

@temporal3 @ell_enn #TS762 awe/ mercurial/ ladder tagging @YadaThoughts for #TS763 cc: @wolfmiaow @Shiringul @TamedCynic Please RT.
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