- #TS663 If one winter afternoon, before the shadows start descending, if one winter afternoon you could come for me and cook.
- @nishakhot @KamylaMarvi @lahorigori @temporal3 @firuzap #TS663 Fudgel loved her but because of her burqa all he could see were here Nikes
- #TS663 it was a very important meeting/the final decision was taken/green shoes over all others. #truestory
- @KamylaMarvi: #TS663: fudge all you want you fodgel you can't be fugel wear green shoes and hope to win in cricket @lahorigori
- Prompts for #TS663: fudgel, romance & green shoes @temporal3 @firuzap @lahorigori @woolcinder Tagging @nishakhot for #TS664Retweeted 2 timesExpand
- #TS663 She'd seduce them with her baking & end it with, "But you can't fall in love; I'm not real." Enid Blyton boys - the easiest to trap.
- Coup in Santas cave. Pixies taken over. Watch out - no more fudgelling. They'll turn you into chocolate boxes. #TS663Retweeted by Firuza Pastakia
- Prompts for #TS663 from @KamylaMarvi: fudgel, romance, green shoes. Pls RT.
posted by temporal at 10/07/2013
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